Sunday, December 30, 2007

I went to Karimun

I went to Karimun like last week.. with my friends from Loenpia Bloggers....
I loved it.. I wish i can go there again with mipapito...
I cant swim but I was snorkling.. it was crazy.. I wanna go there again!!!...


Daripada dikira ndak ada kamus padahal selalu ada dan daripada dikira ngepost pake HP padahal HPku ndak bisa GPRS... saya lanjutkan postingan ini...

Well... it was six of us.. Me, Nina, Mbak Yuli, Ahmed, Yudi and Hatta...
as you can see in the picture, we took the picture on the floating motel.. it wasnt that nice motel.. maybe it would be nice if it was in summer.. well.. anyway, we didnt stay there.. we were staying at a ceaper or maybe the cheapest motel in Karimun.. it was cost only Rp. 50.000/ room, which one room we shared it for 3 peeps.. so each can pay like Rp. 17.000/ nite... cool dont u think so??.. u know when u do anything with me.. ull get cheaper in everything..

anyway.. we were snorkling.. at first i was afraid.. cus i cant swim.. but the boat guys said that it was ok, and what i should do was just calm down.. and relax... so i did it.. i did snorkling... in panic.. but then i can managed it and calmed down.. and i was very very much enjoying it.. the view under the water was soo beautifull ...
here are some pics that prove i was doing snorkling...
Can u see from the pictures.. that i look sooo happy????.. it was because i was happy.. so very much deeply happy...
and i wanna be happy again... maybe happier than that.. so i will go back to Karimun again.. hopefully with the person I love the most... will that be possible???....

here are some other pictures of me at Karimun island...

that the left side is just a pic of me looking cute.. and the next one is a pic of me looking cuter than a human should be... that pic amazed me.. im sure it amazed you too!!!...

ah yah.. I also did city walking at Karimun, and i found a souvenir store. i bought pearls earing and seasells earings.. see this pic below..
with those earings i look like claudia cintia bella... im so sure i do!!!...
sooo... get prepare cus im going back there again.. if u wanna come just contact me !!.. i love u all!!.. but i love mipapi more!!..

Monday, November 5, 2007

kumpul kumpul loenpia!!!!

sudah dua bulan lebih aku gabung loenpia...
organisasi blogger semarang... yang syarat gabungnya mudah, cuman diwajibkan punya blog..
waktu itu blogku isinya cuman tentang damir, jadi malu pas diajak gabung, takut kalo dituduh romantis.. weleh, ..

setelah gabung milis loenpia dan melalui berbagai macam perdebatan sengit antara sesama tukang loenpia, yang hampir semuanya bosok .. hehehhee.. saya kok merasa.... betah sekali...
apa lagi kalo kumpul kumpul tentang kuliner ato segala bentuk apapun yang ada makan makannya... hhmm.. enakk.. enak deh...

..pertama kali aku ikut kopdar diajak sama bunsal, kopdar pecinta photo...
kopdar keduaku.. buka bersama di rumahku....
kopdar ketigaku... kumpul di semawis...

trus tuman.. trus melu terus... trus tanduk.... trus ketagihan,.... trus muntah muntah.. trus kumat....

trimakasih loenpia....

... kata krisdayanti.. thank you so much i love you goodbye..

tapi jangan goodbye dulu.... ke karimun dulu yuk... piye???.....

Sunday, September 30, 2007

reno & ajeng

this is the reason why i must go back to semarang every weekend,...

they love me soo much... reno likes to say "ning.. sini aja ning.. aku masih kangen kok..."...

and ajeng always smiles at me....

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

freakears gathering

Dear teman-teman freakearsku,

bagaimana kalo freakears mengadakan gathering setahun sekali....
nanti iurannya per orang Rp. 50.000, kalo mau bawa suami atau pacar.. tambah Rp. 50.000 lagi...
kalo mau bawa anak.. gratis...
nanti ada panitianya.. ditentukan siapa.. terus lets set the place and acara... poto poto pastinya...
kalo bisa pesen spanduk... "freakears 2007: get psycho!!!!"....
kalo setuju tolong di tindak lanjuti....

dan tanggalnya harus disepakati... setiap desember akhir pekan pertama... atau setiap november akhir pekan kedua.. seperti itu.. jadi besok besok kalo kita udah banyak cucu... ngumpul setiap tahun kan lucu...
mesti paling lucu mengko putuku... pesek mbek kriting...

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

gokart di taman bunga....

lucu ya.. ketoke ndesone... lha wong belume pernah naik gituan... masa kecil kurang bahagia... nek rak yo masa kecilku jembret... wedinan... kegowo tuone...
pas numpak wae aku tegang.. dibaleni ping telu wae yo isih wae nabrak... ketoke banget seko raine nak aku tegang... hahaha...
itu candid camera by Pak Wahyudi lho... dari kejauhan melihat daku rekoso mbek gugup.. mbek tegang difoto...
tapi besok lagi aku mau naik lagi... ning semarang ono rak ya??.. gelem aku...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Reno Ulang Tahun..

Tanggal 8 bulan Juni 2007, reno umurnya jadi 2 tahun... .. kali ini reno dapet cepeda baru.... warnanya merah...
Karena tantenya yang imut byanget cuman bisa ke semarang hari sabtu dan minggu, ulang tahun reno diraya'innya pas hari sabtunya... ceritanya makan makan di resti Jati Legi banyumanik.. restonya enak deh... Tantenya ate black paper steak.. it was ok.. and then actually I was interested at Sop Buntut Bakar.... but prolly next time..
Reno.. was eating almost everything, but his fav was the frenchfries.. pinteeerr bangeti.. bisa makan pake garpu... ditunyuk trus di colek ke saosnya trus dimakan... pinter kaya tantenya... hidungnya pun pesek kayak tantenya... sekarang reno udah punya adek dari bude watik tuh.. adiknya cewek tuh.... pasti nanti rumah jadi rame deh... bau pesing.....

anyway we were having a great family time, unfortunatly My dad wasn't there.. or maybe he was there... we are all miss him...
Reno was soo berry happy with the new bike.. which actually that bike its not for 2 years old kid... and that bike was actually a gift from me.... itu sepeda kado dari tantenya lho... lumayan mahal tuh.. tapi urunan.. tantenya 150.000, budenya 100.000 trus yangtinya 100.000 total 350.000......

Selamat Ulang Tahun ya no... semoga jadi anak yang soleh, berbakti pada orang tua, eyang, tante, budenya dan tidak lupa sama agama....

Monday, May 28, 2007

brittany murphy

I like her a lot... and I love the way she is happy all the times... i wish i am happy all the times....

and my fav movie from her is "uptwon girl"... ..
im thinking to dye my hair like that.. also would like to make my hair curly like that....

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The luckiest doughter

I was and I am the luckiest doughter ever.... and I miss my dad.. I love him and I miss him a lot.....

Tuesday, March 13, 2007